Federico II University Hospital (FOUND www.policlinico.unina.it) is an excellence health care facility in Southern Italy, that hosts over 50 Specialist Courses and master Degrees of Federico II University Medical School. It provides in‐hospital admittance, day‐hospitals, day‐services and outpatient activities. Thanks to the presence of many medical sectors, and to the coexistence of teaching, research and health care the hospital provides many opportunities to develop interdisciplinary activities. FOUND R&D also manages Campania Reference Site for Active and Healthy Aging, thus ensuring collaboration with many relevant loco‐regional stakeholders. Campania cluster for SIMPATHY project also includes the Centre of Research in Pharmacoeconomics (CIRFF www.cirff.it) led by the Department of Pharmacy of Federico II University. The Centre has been carrying out observational studies to evaluate determinants of the drug use, studies on medication adherence, development of prescribing quality indicators, supporting the use of observational data studies in health care decision making.