University of Peloponnese | SIMPATHY project


The University of Peloponnese (UOP) is a public university located in the Peloponnese, Greece. The Department of Social and Education Policy, brings together two scientific fields of critical importance for a modern, developed state, those of social policy and education policy, in a single study programme. The interdisciplinary approach, the comprehensive understanding of social and educational reality, the understanding of change and the coupling of theory and practice are components of the Department’s profile. In the partnership scheme, a major Health Care Organization of Greece, the 1st RHA of Attica, being initially a separate partner, was merged in UOP for administrative reasons. The University of Peloponnese leads the WP5 but also contributes to WP4 and WP6, collaborating for this reason with healthcare researchers from the e-Health Innovation Unit, 1st RHA (YPE) of Attica, based at “Sotiria” Hospital of Athens.