Medication review and polypharmacy management in the hospital setting were studied in Greece and Catalonia, within the framework of the SIMPATHY project, and were presented in ICIC17, Dublin, May 8-10, 2017 (Theme 3. Poster 407/110) in all poster sessions.
The SIMPATHY (Stimulating Innovation Management of Polypharmacy and Adherence in The Elderly) consortium have explored how healthcare management programmes can be implemented to improve medication safety and prevent patient harm by addressing the appropriate use of multiple medications (polypharmacy).
We commend the recommendations of this report to you and call for your support in tackling together the important issues in delivering appropriate management of polypharmacy.
The paper below was published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
The authors have demonstrated that if medication compliance devices are used to aid adherence but WITHOUT a polypharmacy medication review, this may lead to increased consumption of potentially inappropriate medication in older people.
This 2017 Editorial from the European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy describes the SIMPATHY project, its objectives, aims and approach to raising awareness of the issues of polypharmacy and adherence in the elderly across Europe
A detailed description of a pan-European initiative, ‘Stimulating Innovation Management of Polypharmacy and Adherence in the Elderly, SIMPATHY’, which is a project funded by the European Commission to support innovation across the European Union. This includes a systematic review of the literature aiming to summarize and critically review current policies and guidelines on polypharmacy management in older people.
This polypharmacy app was made freely available in 2017 by the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland. The purpose of Polypharmacy Guidance is to assist providers in completing comprehensive medication reviews on patients at risk, or suffering from, polypharmacy. Polypharmacy Guidance utilizes a seven step process to guide providers through a point of care comprehensive medication review.
Prescription for Excellence: A Vision and Action Plan for the right pharmaceutical care through integrated partnerships and innovation. Scottish Government.